That's where I am right now.
I work with some amazingly talented, creative, passionate people, who follow the blogs and read the books of other amazingly talented, creative, passionate people.
That much creativity has left my head spinning this week. I am full of questions: What should I do next with my students? Am I doing enough? Is that creative enough? Is that really reaching them the way I want it to? Is there enough depth to that assignment? Will that prepare them for life in our fast-paced, changing society? Will they enjoy it? Will I enjoy it? Is this important? Am I doing the important things with them?
I have these precious butterflies (I know, old, tired, rather melodramatic metaphor, but still appropriate), and I don't want to waste a second of the time we spend together.
So, what to do next?
Here are just a few of the ideas that have come my way this week.
From colleagues: Genius Hour, Engineering Mystery Bags, and the most intriguing, Traveling Differentiation Suitcases. (The suitcases are the creation of a fellow GT facilitator. Made from MacBook boxes -- our district has a surplus of the boxes at the moment following computer upgrades -- the suitcases include everything necessary for an advanced lesson for a small number of students. Novel, handouts, instructions, etc. Genius!)
From the web: Coding for kids, books clubs for GT parents, and really, anything that Terry Eichholz writes about.
I'm glad I have a weekend to ponder and digest these ideas...I'm sure something great will come out of the mix.
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